Alchemy of Being

Alchemy of Being®  is a personal growth course created and taught by Gabriela Gomez. You can take a course  online  with Gabriela or in person at scheduled courses (Events)

With this course you can: use what you have learned for your personal evolution. You will receive a PDF with the course information.

From the Greek Chemia, Alchemy means “mixture of liquids”; from the Arabic Al-khemy, it means “chemistry of God”. Alchemy is the transmuting process that consists of dissolving, purifying and illuminating matter. The goal of the alchemist is to find the miraculous substance that could transform “lead” into “gold”, but in fact the alchemist does not seek material wealth, but rather to open the doors of Higher Knowledge, understand the laws of Nature and become a helper of the Creator. in the process of preserving and perfecting the Universe…

None of my techniques replace medical treatments. Please consult your doctor in addition to the complementary therapy you receive.

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